Our Story
The Celtic Willow is run by a mother and daughter duo, Donna and Tayla, in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. Our combined interests and passions of finding solutions in nature, sustainability and the spiritual realm have come together to become The Celtic Willow ✨️
The willow tree symbolises rebirth, growth and strength with strong roots in spirituality
It is closely associated with water and the moon and was revered for its strength and flexibility
In ancient Celtic folklore it was believed the willow tree brought good luck and was seen as a survivor, thriving in even the most challenging conditions
We are allowing our desires to reconnect with our Celtic roots and the cyclical nature of the earth, the freedom to flourish
Fun fact: Our business launched during the Willow Tree sign of the Celtic Zodiac (April 15 - May 12).
Tayla (the daughter) - the Chandler and self proclaimed graphic designer of the empire
"It all began with a candle making kit purchased off the good ol' Ebay. I already had a bunch of essential oils in my cupboard and crystals all around my house, so I did my research on how to safely create candles using those two combined
What started off as a mindful hobby soon after my second child was earthside, quickly progressed into a desire to get my beautiful creations into the world. The candle making process is therapeutic, and the simple act of lighting a candle is a magical practice in itself
For as long as I can remember, I have felt a strong connection to nature, astrology, crystals, and everything whimsical and 'woo woo'. So my intention is to bring stillness, protection, and peace into our home and everyday life with a little bit of aromatherapy, crystal energy, and fire magic
Going through the struggles life threw my way; I looked for comfort in the worst of things (and people). But through those challenges, losses and heartbreaks, came knowledge, wisdom and strength. Which is ultimately what led me to exactly where I am today, and that is to live a more mindful life and birth my creations 🖤"
Donna (the mother) - the Soapstress and admin witch of the empire
"As far back as I can remember, I had sensitive skin and had to be careful of the products I used. Then when I had my own children my interest in the products we used in the home and on our bodies, deepened. I spent decades reading and researching and studied aromatherapy, and my passion grew. I discovered a deep yearning to only use ingredients that are not only natural, but also good for us
Having had a previous successful business in 2017 as a sole trader in handcrafted natural products, I already knew this was an area I was passionate about but life had stepped in and put me on a different path
Following the breadcrumbs on my soul path, I found myself moving to Adelaide at the end of 2022, and supporting my daughter and grandbabies. After surviving and thriving through another challenging life situation, Tayla and I decided to bring both of our passions and skills together, and birth a business in partnership 💚"
Donna & Tayla xx